Dedan Kimathi University of Technlogy, Nyeri, Kenya,

18 - 19 June 2015

Hosts Local Page
organized by Ciira wa Maina, Neil Lawrence, Andreas Damianou, John Quinn,

hosted by Ciira wa Maina,


Thursday 18 June

8:30 Arrival and Registration

9:00 Opening Remarks, Ciira wa Maina

9:00 Session 1: Agriculture

9.20 Optimizing Small-scale Farm Management in Kenya using a Frugal Plant-Based Approach for Irrigation Scheduling, Lianna Samuel, IBM Research Africa

9.50 Automated Monitoring of Viral Cassava Disease, Ernest Mwebaze, Makerere University

10.20 Coffee break

Session 2: Crisis Management

10.50 Construction Of A Resiliency Platform for Preventing Future Crises In Sierra Leone, Nuri Purswani, IBM Research Africa

11.20 Umati: Monitoring Dangerous Speech Online, Sidney Ochieng, iHub

11.50 The Punya Mobile Application Development Platform, Julius Adebayo, MIT

12.20 Lunch

Session 3: Health and Bioinformatics

13.30 Personalised Medicine, Neil Lawrence, University of Sheffield

14.00 Improved Modelling of Malaria Incidence with Telecoms Data, Martin Mubangizi, Makerere University

14.30 Coffee Break

15.00 Comparative Genomics of Tsetse’s Chemosensory Proteins, Rosaline Macharia, ICIPE

15.30 Concordance of Morphometrics and DNA barcoding in identifying Stingless bee species (Apidae: Meliponinae) in Kenya, Nelly Ndungu, ICIPE

16.00 Investigating Traditional Systems of Medicine Using Phylogenies Derived from Gene Sequences, Ciira Maina, DeKUT

Friday 19 June

Session 4: Data Sources and Privacy

09.00 Free Datasets For All, Prestone Adie, Kenya Open Data Team

09.30 Humanitarian Data Exchange Project, Moses Sitati, UN OCHA

10.00 Differential Privacy, Michael T. Smith, University of Sheffield

10.30 Coffee break

Session 5: Water

11.00 Using Frugal Smart Meters to Increase Water Security in Kenya, Muuo Wambua, IBM Research Africa

11.30 Understanding Nairobi’s Water Supply Landscape: The Data Driven Approach, Peninah Waweru, IBM Research Africa

12.00 Lunch

Session 6: Markets and Economy

13.00 Auction Systems for Real-Time Agricultural Market Analysis, Kenneth Bwire, Kudu/Makerere University

13.30 Time Series Analysis of Financial Market Data [To be Confirmed], Cyprian Omari, DeKUT

14.00 Wrap-up and discussion – next steps for data science in Africa?