Main Page
The Workshop on Gaussian Processes in Practice was held in Bletchley, UK from Monday, 12 June 2006 to Tuesday, 13 June 2006 at the Bletchley Park.
This webpage acts as a record of the program and talks given.
Previous meeting: Gaussian Process Round Table.
Proceedings of the workshop are available here from PMLR.

Workshop Now Over
Post-proceedings deadline for submissions is 15th September 2006. See this page for details. The slides presented at the workshop are available from the schedule page.Breaking News
Note: Accommodation in Milton Keynes is filling up fast due to rock concerts and the British Grand Prix.
There has been a recent upsurge in interest in Gaussian processes for solving a variety of machine learning problems. Simultaneously there have been recent rapid developments in efficient approximation techniques for Gaussian processes and novel unifying theories of existing approximation techniques.
This workshop will bring experts in Gaussian processes together with individuals who are using Gaussian processes at the forefront of research in their fields. We will start with a set of talks that will relate the latest developments in Gaussian processes (speakers include Chris Williams, Carl Rasmussen, David MacKay and Ed Snelson) while the second portion of talks will discuss application fields where Gaussian processes are being applied as state-of-the-art technologies: Robotics, Graphics and Vision (speakers include Brian Ferris, Aaron Hertzmann and Raquel Urtasun).
We expect attendees at the workshop who are expert in Gaussian processes as well as attendees who are interested in finding out about Gaussian processes. The workshop is expected to be an ideal entry point to a researcher interested in using these models, but at the same time, by bringing together acknowledged experts in Gaussian processes with acknowledged experts in the application areas mentioned above we expect to drive forward research in novel directions.
We invite submissions to the workshop of no more than four pages in length using the LaTeX article class file in one column with standard margin settings and 11pt font. The submission deadline is Friday May 19th.
Registration for the workshop is closed.
Getting There
Further Reading
This event is supported by
- Neil D. Lawrence, The University of Sheffield
- Joaquin Quinonero Candela, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Technical University of Berlin
- Anton Schwaighofer, Intelligent Data Analysis Group (IDA), Fraunhofer FIRST