Past Meetings
Gaussian Process and Uncertainty Quantification Summer School, Manchester, UK, 9-12 September 2024 (organised with Mauricio A Alvarez Lopez, Carl Henrik Ek, Rich Wilkinson, Henry Moss, Neil Lawrence )
Gaussian Process and Uncertainty Quantification Summer School, Manchester, UK, 11-14 September 2023 (organised with Mauricio A Alvarez Lopez, Javier Gonzalez, Mike Smith, Rich Wilkinson, Carl Henrik Ek, Neil Lawrence )
Gaussian Process and Uncertainty Quantification Summer School, Sheffield, UK, 12-15 September 2022 (organised with Mauricio A Alvarez Lopez, Javier Gonzalez, Mike Smith, Rich Wilkinson, Neil Lawrence and the Sheffield ML group)
Gaussian Process and Uncertainty Quantification Summer School, virtual event, 13-16 September 2021 (organised with Mauricio A Alvarez Lopez, Javier Gonzalez, Wil Ward, Mike Smith, Rich Wilkinson, Neil Lawrence and the Sheffield ML group)
Gaussian Process and Uncertainty Quantification Summer School, virtual event, 14-17 September 2020 (organised with Mauricio A Alvarez Lopez, Rich Wilkinson, Mike Smith, Javier Gonzalez, Neil Lawrence and the Sheffield ML group)
Gaussian Process and Uncertainty Quantification Summer School, Sheffield, UK, 9-12 September 2019 (organised with Mauricio A Alvarez Lopez, Rich Wilkinson, Mike Smith, Wil Ward, Fariba Yousefi, Juan Jose, Neil Lawrence and the Sheffield ML group)
Gaussian Process and Uncertainty Quantification Summer School, Sheffield, UK, 3-6 September 2018 (organised with Mauricio A Alvarez Lopez, Rich Wilkinson, Mike Smith, Wil Ward, Fariba Yousefi, Juan Jose, Neil Lawrence and the Sheffield ML group)
Gaussian Process and Uncertainty Quantification Summer School, Sheffield, UK, 11-14 September 2017 (organised with Mauricio A Alvarez Lopez, Javier Gonzalez, Rich Wilkinson, Neil Lawrence, Jeremy Oakley and the Sheffield ML group)
Gaussian Process and Bayesian Optimization Masterclass, Sheffield, UK, 6-7 February 2017 (organised with Javier Gonzalez, Neil Lawrence)
Gaussian Process and Uncertainty Quantification Summer School, Sheffield, UK, 12-16 September 2016 (organised with Javier Gonzalez, Rich Wilkinson, Neil Lawrence, Jeremy Oakley and the Sheffield ML group)
Machine Learning for Personalised Medicine Summer School, Manchester, UK, 21-25 September 2015 (organised with Max Zwiessele and the MLPM ITN Network)
Workshop on Gaussian Processes for Global Optimization, Sheffield, UK, 17-17 September 2015 (organised with Javier Gonzalez and the Sheffield ML group)
Gaussian Process Summer School, Sheffield, UK, 14-16 September 2015 (organised with Javier Gonzalez and the Sheffield ML group)
ODS: Data Science School, Nyeri, Kenya, 15-17 June 2015 (organised with Andreas Damianou, Mike Smith, Ciira wa Maina and John Quinn)
Workshop on Datascience in Africa, Nyeri, Kenya, 18-19 June 2015 (organised with Ciira wa Maina and John Quinn)
Workshop on Gaussian Process Approximations, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-22 May 2015 (organised with Aki Vehtari and Ole Winther)
Gaussian Process Summer School, Melbourne, Australia, 25-27 February 2015 (organised with Trevor Cohn)
Gaussian Process Winter School, Genoa, Italy, 19-22 January 2015 (organised with Alessandro Rudi and Lorenzo Rosasco)
Workshop on Gaussian Processes for Feature Extraction, Sheffield, UK, 18 September 2014 (organised with Zhenwen Dai)
Gaussian Process Summer School, Sheffield, UK, 15-17 September 2014 (organised with Zhenwen Dai)
Gaussian Process School, Pereira, Colombia, 11-14 February 2014 (organised with Mauricio Alvarez)
Workshop on Spatiotemporal Modelling with Gaussian Processes, Sheffield, UK, 16 January 2014
Gaussian Process Winter School, Sheffield, UK, 13-15 January 2014 (organised with Alan Saul, Andreas Damianou and the Sheffield ML group)
Disease Mapping Workshop, Leahurst, UK, 4-5 November 2013 (organised with Peter Diggle and Peter Gething)
Gaussian Process School, Kampala, Uganda, 6-9 August 2013 (organised with Ricardo Andrade Pacheco, John Quinn and Martin Mubangizi)
Latent Force Model Workshop, Sheffield, UK, 13 June 2013 (organised with Mauricio Alvarez)
Gaussian Process Summer School, Sheffield, UK, 10-12 June 2013 (organised with Nicolas Durrande and the Sheffield ML group)
Kernels for Multiple Outputs and Multi-task Learning: Frequentist and Bayesian Points of View, Whistler, Cananda, 12 December 2009 (organised with Mauricio Alvarez and Lorenzo Rosasco)
Statistics and Learning Interface Meeting: Multiple Output Gaussian Processes, Manchester, UK, 23-24 July 2009 (organised with Mauricio Alvarez)
Bayesian Research Kitchen, Grasmere, The Lake District, UK (organised with Joaquin Quinonero Candela)
Gaussian Processes in Practice, Bletchley Park, UK, 12-13 June 2006 (organised with Joaquin Quinonero Candela and Anton Schwaighofer)
Gaussian Process Round Table, Sheffield, UK, 9-10 June 2005